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Zoo Lemon Balm Extract Rosmarinic acid hmoov 2% -10%

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Zoo Lemon Balm Extract Rosmarinic acid hmoov 2% -10%

Khoom Lub Npe: Rosmarinic acid hmoov 2% Lub Npe Lub Npe: (2R)-3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-{[(2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoyl]oxy} propanoic acid CAS . Tus lej: 20283-92-5 Molecular Luj: C12H23NO10S3 Specifications: glucoraphanin 13-20% Tswb: xim av daj hmoov Daim ntawv pov thawj: ISO9001/HACCP/ISO22000/HALAL/KOSHER
    Rosmarinic acid Taw qhia Rosmarinic acid yog ib tug polyphenol compound uas ib txwm tshwm sim nyob rau hauv rosemary, sage, txiv qaub balm mint, thiab qab zib basil ntawm lwm cov tswv cuab ntawm tsev neeg Lamiaceae (Takano li al., 2004). Osteoclast sib txawv yog inhibited los ntawm rosmarinic acid los ntawm quenching ntawm ROS (Omori li al., 2015) Feem ntau Specifications ntawm Rosmarinic acid ① Rosmarinic acid tsawg ntom 2.0% HPLC ②Rosmarinic acid siab ceev 10.0% HPLC cov txiaj ntsig ntawm Rosmarinic acid txhua hnub, Cov tshuaj glucoraphanin muaj txiaj ntsig zoo rau kev noj qab haus huv ntawm daim siab hauv cov neeg laus, cov neeg laus hnub nyoog nruab nrab nrog cov ntshav siab ib txwm muaj cov kab mob siab biomarkers, txawm hais tias ntxiv kev tshawb fawb tsom mus rau lwm cov cim tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob yog xav tau kom nkag siab tias glucoraphanin txhim kho daim siab ua haujlwm li cas Cov ntawv qhia tshwj xeeb ntawm Rosmarinic acid 2-10% Kev soj ntsuam cov khoom Specifications Methods Identifications IR IR spectrum yog concordant nrog spectrum ntawm Rosmarinic acid RS. HPLC Lub sij hawm khaws cia ntawm cov qauv sib tw nrog tus qauv hauv HPLC purity test.. Lub cev kuaj pom Cov xim daj daj hmoov pom kev saj & tsw ntxhiab Organoleptic Bulk ntom ntom 0.3-0.6g / mL 0.48g / mL Dej ≤2.00% 1.31% Residue ntawm Ignition 1.00% USP43 Cov khoom xyaw nquag Tests xim av daj hmoov ≥10.00% HPLC Chemical Tests Heavy Metals ≤10.00ppm USP43Pb ≤1.00ppm USP43 As ≤2.00ppm USP43 Hg ≤1.00ppm USP43 Residue of Iron ≤10.00ppm USP43 Residue of Chloride ≤200ppm USP43 Residue of Sulfate ≤300ppm USP43 Cov Kev Ntsuas Microbiological ≤200ppm 21 > Poov xab thiab Moulds ≤100cfu/g USP43 E. Coli Negative hauv 1g USP43 Salmonella Negative hauv 10g USP43 Staphylococcus aureus Negative hauv 1g USP43

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