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Monk Fruit Extract

Lo Han Guo extract is a pale yellow powder to brown extract. It tastes extremely sweet, 240 times sweeter than sucrose, close to sugar, with a slightly licorice-like aftertaste. The melting point of high-purity mogroside is 197-201°C. It is easily soluble in water and ethanol.

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1. Monk Fruit Extract (Mogroside) is used in traditional Chinese medicine for colds, coughs, sore throats, gastrointestinal discomfort, and can be used to purify blood.

2. Monk Fruit Extract (Mogroside) is easily soluble in water and has no precipitation.

3. Mogroside contains a large amount of amino acids, fructose, vitamins and minerals. It is also used in traditional Chinese cooking as a spice and nutritional additive. As a universal natural sweetener, it is an ideal substitute for artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. It can be used in beverages, baked goods, nutritional foods, low-calorie foods or other foods that require low or no carbohydrate sweeteners or low or no calories. Cooking or baking does not affect its flavor or sweetness.

Pharmacological effects

(1) Expectorant effect: Mogroside (total glycosides> 80%) 0.2g/kg, 0.4g/kg, 0.8g/kg were administered intragastrically. The doses of 0.4g/kg and 0.8g/kg significantly increased the amount of tracheal secretions in rats, indicating a significant expectorant effect.

(2) Lung-clearing and antitussive effect: Mogroside (total glycosides> 80%) 0.2g/kg, 0.4g/kg, 0.8g/kg significantly reduced the number of coughs in mice induced by ammonia, but had no significant effect on the incubation period of ammonia-induced cough.

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(3) Free radical scavenging and antioxidant effects:

a. Mogroside extract (Mogroside) (total glycosides ≥ 98%, Mogroside V content 65.20%) has a certain scavenging effect on hydroxyl free radicals and superoxide anion free radicals. With the increase of the concentration of Mogroside extract, the scavenging effect gradually increases, showing a certain dose-effect relationship;

b. Mogroside extract has a significant inhibitory effect on the oxidative hemolysis reaction of rat RBC during in vitro incubation. In the range of 0.04-1.15 mg/ml, the inhibition rate of Mogroside extract on erythrocyte autooxidative hemolysis is more than 50%, and Mogroside extract has a good protective effect on RBC autooxidative hemolysis;

c. The protective effect of Mogroside extract on RBC autooxidative hemolysis does not show a dose-effect relationship. The best dose is 0.46 mg/ml, with an inhibition rate of 85.55 %;

d. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is the end product of lipid peroxidation and can be used to evaluate the strength of lipid peroxidation. Mogroside extract has a strong inhibitory effect on the production of MDA during rat erythrocyte autooxidation hemolysis;

e. Mogroside extract has a good inhibitory effect on the spontaneous production of MDA in rat liver homogenate. The inhibitory effect is best at a concentration of 0.875 mg/ml, reaching 23.63%; f. Mogroside extract can inhibit lipid peroxidation in rat liver tissue, has a protective effect on liver tissue peroxidation damage induced by Fe and H2O2, and can reduce the occurrence of erythrocyte hemolysis; Mogroside can significantly inhibit the production of MDA in liver mitochondria, and its inhibition rate increases with the increase of concentration.

(4) Immunity enhancement:

Oral administration of mogroside to normal and cyclophosphamide (CTX)-suppressed mice had no significant effect on the immune function of normal mice, but significantly improved the macrophage phagocytosis and T cell proliferation of CTX-suppressed mice. This indicates that mogroside has a certain positive regulatory effect on the cellular immune function of CTX-suppressed mice.

(5) Effect on blood sugar:

A single oral administration of 30% mogroside 200 mg/kg had no significant effect on the blood sugar content and liver enzyme activity of healthy adults. Mogroside V is a safe sweetener that does not affect the blood sugar content of normal people.

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(6) Anti-cancer effect:

Using DMBA as the initiator and TPA as the carcinogen, a mouse skin two-stage carcinogenicity experiment was conducted; the delayed carcinogenicity of mogroside is the same as or stronger than that of stevioside, indicating that it has an anti-cancer effect. Therefore, mogroside can be used as an anti-cancer agent.

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Post time: Aug-23-2024