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NAD+ levels increased by 50%, and the new ingredient trigonelline has an anti-aging effect comparable to NMN?-Part three

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NAD+ levels increased by 50%, and the new ingredient trigonelline has an anti-aging effect comparable to NMN?-Part three


三、Drinking a lot of coffee does not equal taking trigonelline

As we age, NAD+ levels decrease, disrupting the redox balance and causing muscle function decline, i.e. sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is the functional decline of skeletal muscle during the aging process, which leads to a decrease in muscle strength and function, thereby affecting mobility and, in severe cases, may lead to physical disability. Studies have shown that trigonelline can be supplemented through three pathways: dietary intake, microbial synthesis, and metabolic pathway regulation.          

1) Dietary intake

Consuming foods rich in trigonelline is a direct way to increase trigonelline levels in the body. For example, coffee beans and fenugreek seeds are plants known to be rich in trigonelline in nature. However, relying solely on increasing coffee intake to improve health issues related to aging may not be as simple as imagined.

A study from South Korea showed that high coffee intake was associated with a lower risk of sarcopenia, a finding that may be related to South Korea’s coffee-consuming diet [7]. However, the latest study did not clarify the association between trigonelline and dietary caffeine intake levels [3]. Therefore, the idea of improving health by drinking large amounts of coffee should be treated with caution.

Additionally, the precursor of trigonelline is niacin, so by consuming foods rich in niacin or taking niacin supplements, you can indirectly increase trigonelline levels in your body.   

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2) Microbial synthesis

Researchers have found that dietary fiber intake is related to the level of fenugreek in the body, probably because the metabolism of intestinal flora can also produce fenugreek. Therefore, by increasing the intake of dietary fiber, probiotics and other substances, optimizing the intestinal microbial environment, and promoting the growth of microorganisms that synthesize fenugreek, the level of fenugreek in the body can be increased. However, it is worth noting that there is a complex relationship between diet, intestinal flora and muscle health, which needs further research and clarification.          

3) Metabolic pathway regulation

NAPRT enzyme is the key enzyme for the conversion of trigonelline to NAD+ precursor. Therefore, by increasing the expression of NAPRT enzyme, the efficiency of the conversion of trigonelline to NAD+ precursor can be improved, thereby increasing the level of trigonelline in the body. In addition, studies have shown that trigonelline is associated with S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferases. Therefore, by increasing the activity of this type of methyltransferase, the synthesis of trigonelline in the body can be promoted.          

四、Trigonelline product application

As a plant alkaloid with multiple biological activities, trigonelline has wide application potential in anti-aging, hypoglycemic, improving cognitive function and other fields. However, there are few application cases of trigonelline at present. 

Healthway The fenugreek extract capsules launched, 500 mg/bottle, contain 3% trigonelline and 1% protodioscin, which have the functions of improving mood, supporting fitness, and promoting metabolic function.   

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Although trigonelline supplementation can be achieved through dietary intake, microbial synthesis, and metabolic pathway regulation, there are not many related products on the market. With the continuous deepening of research on trigonelline, more anti-aging products with trigonelline as the main ingredient may be developed in the future, providing new options for promoting human health and delaying aging.

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