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Sample ea mahala bakeng sa Epimedium Sagittatum Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

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Maikutlo (2)

Khamphani e lula e lebisitse mohopolong oa ts'ebetso ea tsamaiso ea mahlale, boleng bo holimo le boleng ba ts'ebetso, moreki ea phahameng ka ho fetesisa.Phofo ea Lero la Barley Grass,Epimedium Icariin 100mg,Shell-Broken Pine Pollen Extract, Ho phela ka boleng bo botle, ho ntlafatsa nalane ea mokoloto ke sepheo sa rona sa ka ho sa feleng, Re na le maikutlo a tiileng hore hang ka mor'a ketelo ea hau re tla ba metsoalle ea nako e telele.
Sampole ea mahala bakeng sa Epimedium Sagittatum Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway Detail:

Selelekela sa Artemisinin

Artemisinin(Artemisia Extract) ke metsoako e hloekisitsoeng e sebetsang ho tsoa ho setlama se omisitsoeng sa Artemisia annua Linn. ka mor'a ho ntšoa, Dewaxing, Chromatography, le mokhoa oa ho hloekisa, litaba tsa artemisinin ke 99.00% ka holimo ho motheo oa anhydrous. Artemisinin ke kristale ea acicular e se nang mebala e nang le ntlha e qhibilihang ea 156 ~ 157 ℃. E qhibiliha habonolo ka chloroform, acetone, ethyl acetate le benzene, e qhibiliha ka har'a ethanol le ether, e qhibiliha hanyane ka har'a petroleum ether e batang, 'me e batla e sa qhibilihe ka metsing. Artemisinin ke setlhare se sebetsang ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa ho alafa kganetso ya malaria ho fihlela jwale.

Haholo-holo Litlhaloso tsa Artemisinin Derivatives

① Artemisinin kristale 99% HPLC
② Powder ea Artemisinin 99% HPLC
③ Artemether 99% HPLC
④ Artesunate 99% HPLC
⑤ Dihydroarteannuin 99% HPLC


Melemo ea Artemisinin

❶ Artemisinin ke sebolaya-malaria se hlwahlwa ka ho fetisisa, se ka bolaya dikokonyana tsa pathogenic hape se na le matla a anti-schistosoma.
❷ Thibela kholo ea lisele tsa mofetše le ho etsa hore ho be le apoptosis ea lisele tsa mofetše oa sebete, lisele tsa mofetše oa matsoele, lisele tsa mofetše oa popelo.
❸ Artemisinin e ka thibela litlamorao tsa taolo ea fungal le sesole sa 'mele.

Leqephe le Tloaelehileng la Litlhaloso tsa Artemisinin 99%

Lintlha tsa Tlhahlobo Litlhaloso Mekhoa
A. TSAMAYA IR spectrum e lumellana le spectrum ea litšupiso tsa Artemisinin.
B. HPLC Nako ea ho boloka sampole e tsamaisana le maemo a tlhahlobo ea bohloeki ea HPLC.
C. Karabelo ea lik'hemik'hale1 Ho na le 'mala oa violet o tebileng.
D. Karabelo ea lik'hemik'hale2 'Mala oa violet o hlaha hang-hang.
E. Monyetla Ha e khone ho qhibiliha ka metsing, e qhibiliha ka Methanol, e qhibiliha ka bolokolohi ka acetone.
Liteko Tsa 'Mele
Ponahalo Linale tse se nang mebala kapa phofo e tšoeu ea kristale E bonoang
Melting Point 150 ℃-153 ℃ Ch.P 2020
Specific Optical Rotation +75° ho ea ho +78° Ch.P 2020
Tahlehelo ka ho omisa ≤0.50% Ch.P 2020
Masalla a ho Ignition ≤0.10% Ch.P 2020
Litlhahlobo tse sebetsang tsa metsoako
Artemisinin (HPLC) 98.00%-102.00% Ch.P 2020
Kakaretso ea litšila (HPLC) ≤2.50% Ch.P 2020
Impurity A (HPLC) ≤0.15% Ch.P 2020
Impurity B (HPLC) ≤2.00% Ch.P 2020
Ho se hloeke ho sa hlalosoang ≤0.30% Ch.P 2020
* Lipolelo:Li-additives mahala, Allergen mahala, Irradiation mahala, GMO mahala.

Linyeoe tsa Kopo


Hobaneng o re khetha

★ Letoto le felletseng la Artemisinin le mofuta oa phofo le mofuta oa kristale.
★ Lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng, theko e utloahalang, tšebeletso ea setsebi e lula e fanoa.

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Mohlala oa mahala bakeng sa Epimedium Sagittatum Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway details details

Mohlala oa mahala bakeng sa Epimedium Sagittatum Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway details details

Mohlala oa mahala bakeng sa Epimedium Sagittatum Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway details details

Mohlala oa mahala bakeng sa Epimedium Sagittatum Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway details details

Mohlala oa mahala bakeng sa Epimedium Sagittatum Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway details details

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Khoebo ea rona e ikemiselitse ho sebetsa ka botšepehi, ho sebeletsa menyetla eohle ea rona, le ho sebetsa ka theknoloji e ncha le mochine o mocha khafetsa bakeng sa sampole ea mahala bakeng sa Epimedium Sagittatum Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial - Healthway , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka hohle hohle. lefats'e, joalo ka: Mauritius, India, Dominica, Ke mehlala e tšoarellang mme e khothaletsoa lefatšeng ka bophara. Leha ho le joalo, ha ho na maemo a nyamelang mesebetsi e meholo ka nako e potlakileng, ke ntho ea bohlokoa ho uena ea boleng bo holimo. E tataisoa ke molao-motheo oa Prudence, Efficiency, Union and Innovation. khamphani e etsa boiteko bo matla ba ho holisa khoebo ea eona ea machabeng, ho nyolla phaello ea k'hamphani ea eona le ho phahamisa sekala sa eona sa kantle ho naha. Re na le ts'epo ea hore re tla ba le tebello e matla le e tla phatlalatsoa lefatšeng ka bophara lilemong tse tlang.
  • Boikutlo ba tšebelisano ea mofani oa thepa bo botle haholo, bo kopane le mathata a sa tšoaneng, kamehla bo ikemiselitseng ho sebelisana le rōna, ho rōna joaloka Molimo oa sebele.
    5 LinaleliKa Doris oa Uganda - 2018.12.10 19:03
    Theko e utloahalang, boikutlo bo botle ba ho buisana, qetellong re finyella boemo ba ho hlōla, tšebelisano e thabisang!
    5 LinaleliKa Henry stokeld ho tloha Panama - 2018.03.03 13:09
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona